Middle Banks
Offering half day, three quarter day, full day, overnight, and multiday offshore sport fishing. Over 20 vessels available. All boats are four, six, or twelve passenger limited load private sport fishing boats. No crowds to contend with, just friends. Starting as low as $149.00
CLICK HERE now to sign up for an OPEN PARTY CHARTER!
The area highlighted is the Middle Banks
The Middle banks provides premier pelagic fishing within a time budget. The second line of banks just off the San Diego coastline, you will find Bluefin Tuna, Yellowfin Tuna, Dorado, and Yellowtail lurking in these waters. The most common methods of fishing here is patty hopping. The Captain will look for the patties floating on the water surface, hoping that underneath you will find what you are looking for. Other methods including trolling, kite fishing, balloon fishing, and freelining your bait on the boil.
If you are not looking to go on a 24 hour + trip, but still want to get on the tuna, this is your call.
Your best trip for this adventure is the Full Day (12 Hour) Trip. Click here to learn more or to book!
Although smaller than the Bluefin, this ferocious fish puts up a fight you will not soon forget.
Not technically a tuna, but in the same weight class, it is known for the best tasting sashimi on earth.